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Holy Trinity Church

211 Crespo, Col. Centro
Sunday Anglican/Episcopal services with music at 10 AM, followed by refreshments on the patio.
A Thanksgiving Day Communion Service will be held at noon.  
The clergy serving Holy Trinity are Reverend Bruce M. Shipman, Priest-in-charge, and the Reverend John Zachritz, Associate
Telephone 951 514 3799. Email

Libros Para Pueblos

Libros Para Pueblos establishes long-term relationships with libraries located in economically and socially disadvantaged regions of Oaxaca, Mexico. Libraries become members of a support network, in which knowledge and experiences are shared around the theme of reading promotion. Through collaboration, library partners acquire skills and tools that allow them to achieve more effective early intervention in the reading community. They participate in workshops where they receive training in strategies to substantially increase their impact. Each library in the network receives an annual supply of new books, carefully selected according to a matrix of values, which promote the development of independent and critical young readers. To fund its programs, LPP turns to individuals and couples, groups, and organizations who are called “sponsors” and “donors.” Sponsors contribute an annual fixed amount that is dedicated primarily to the purchase of books for their sponsored library, while a smaller percentage is used for training and operation of the programs. Donors, on the other hand, dedicate their entire contribution to the development and implementation of various reading promotion strategies, which we call “projects.”


(Centro de Orientación del Migrante de Oaxaca)

An organization that helps migrants. Here’s how to contact COMI:


Callejón de Guadalupe Victoria s/n, Centro

Tel. 951 516 9004 or WhatsApp: 951 310 0375


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 

Open Meeting in English

Mondays  7 pm  Zoom  Meeting  - email for link

Tuesdays Men's Meeting  In Person 4 pm   Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Crespo 211.

Wednesdays 10 am In Person Meeting  Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Crespo 211.

Thursdays 7 pm Zoom Meeting - email for link

Saturdays 9 am In  Person Meeting private home outdoor garden  email for address

OR call/text Tom S for information 951-238-9293 for All meetings

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The Oaxaca Learning Center

TOLC - Making a difference one young person at a time.

Founded in 2005,
The Oaxaca Learning Center (TOLC) is a unique organization in Oaxaca, Mexico. It provides much-needed academic tutoring and social service support to low-income students from underserved urban neighborhoods and indigenous rural villages throughout the state of Oaxaca. With TOLC support, these students can complete high school and most often proceed to university for professional careers. They can then serve as role models for others in their communities.
The Center is administrated by IIAC A.C., a Mexican non-profit organization, lead by a brilliant Oaxacan staff, all of whom come from the same background as the students.


OLL Bazaar and Clothing Donations

Due to the OLL’s closure and limited operation due to the pandemic over the past year, we did not solicit nor store goods to be sold at a bazaar. We intend to offer one next December if health conditions permit. We need someone to coordinate the next bazaar. If interested, please contact: Adriana Maldonado, Library Manager: Tel. 951 518 7077, Email:

The OLL will accept donations of small items (smaller than a breadbox) for the next bazaar. If you have a larger item you wish to donate, there are several local non-profit organizations that are happy to accept them.

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Pino Suarez 519

Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico 68000

(951) 518-7077


Mon - Fri 10 am - 7 pm

Saturday 10 am - 1 pm

Closed Sundays &

National Holidays

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