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Hike -  Tomaltepec
Hike -  Tomaltepec

Mon, Feb 12


Parque Llano on Dr. Liceaga, Centro

Hike - Tomaltepec

The trail begins at the upper lake above Santo Domingo Temaltepec and goes out and back along a dirt road, which gradually withers to a narrow footpath going higher into the mountain valley. Distance: 10.0 Km (6.2 Mi) / Elevation change: 279 M (915 Ft)

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Time & Location

Feb 12, 2024, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM

Parque Llano on Dr. Liceaga, Centro


About the event

About the Hike:

Santo Domingo Tomaltepec is a very ancient agricultural village  located on the north side of the Tlacolula valley approximately 6 miles  (10 km) east of Oaxaca city and 1.5 miles (2.4 km) north of the village  of Tule. For the thousand years preceding Monte Alban (about 1000 – 100  BCE) it may have been the largest settlement in this branch of the  Valles Centrales, when Mogote (on the northern fringe of present-day  Oaxaca) was the dominant city-state in the region and Tilcajete was the  biggest village in the southern Zimatlan valley. From time immemorial  the native population has grown corn, beans and fruit there, as they do  still today.

There is a dependable supply of fresh water that flows in a stream  from a nearby mountain valley, and is used to irrigate local crops. Two  dams upstream from the village catch and store water for the dry season.  The upper reservoir is the larger and more picturesque of the two, and  is popular with local fishermen.

Our hike will start from the upper lake and proceed 6.2 miles (10.0  km) out and back along a dirt road, which gradually withers to a narrow  footpath going higher into the mountain valley. As we progress, it will  be necessary to ford the stream that feeds the reservoirs. Because the  creek winds back and forth, the trail crosses it ten times going in each  direction.  Since the water level is low during the dry season, it is usually possible to use rocks as stepping-stones to keep shoes dry while  crossing. Smart hikers, though, will wear sandals in which they can  simply splash through the water without worrying about getting their  feet wet!

At the conclusion of the hike, the group will reboard the bus and  travel the short distance to Tule, there to admire the gigantic and  ancient cedar tree in the churchyard and then dine at any of several  restaurants clustered on the main road or the many food vendors’ stands  in the local marketplace.

Additional Costs:  After the hike, we will stop for lunch at a restaurant in Tule. (not included in ticket fee).

There is a 20 peso charge to hike through communal property.

Time frame: 8:30 depart / 9:00 arrive Santo Domingo / 9:30 visit Presa Mina / 10:00 start hike / 11:30 hike turn-around point / 12:30 board bus to Tule / 1:00 lunch in Tule / 2:15 board bus for Oaxaca / 3:00 return Oaxaca. Distance: 10 km. Rating: Easy


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    From MX$400.00 to MX$500.00
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    • MX$500.00
      +MX$12.50 service fee
    • MX$400.00
      +MX$10.00 service fee

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