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Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of the Crypto-Jews, by  David Gitlitz

Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1996. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2002. Spanish translation: Secreto y Engaño: La religion de los criptojudíos, trans. María Luisa Valseiro (Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, 2003).

This comprehensive analysis of the religious beliefs and customs of the Spanish Jews who became Catholic but retained their sense of Jewish identity won both a National Jewish Book Award and the Lucy Dawidowicz Prize for History.

Pilgrimage, from the Ganges to Graceland: an Encyclopedia, by David Gitlitz and Linda Davidson, Santa Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2002
This two-volume anthropological overview of pilgrimage customs deals with journeys to holy places of the world’s religions and to secular sites ranging from Graceland to the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It treats several Mexican holy places. The encyclopedia received an American Library Association “Best Reference Source” award.
Pilgrimage and the Jews. Westport, by David Gitlitz and Linda Davidson, CT: Praeger, 2006
Jews go on pilgrimages too, from Abraham’s day, through the Middle Ages, and right up to our time in which pilgrimages to the sites of the Holocaust and to Israel have achieved popularity among both religious and secular Jews. 
Medical Firsts: From Hippocrates to the Human Genome, by Robert E. Adler
From the Hippocratic Oath to the human genome, from Pasteur's germ theory to the worldwide eradication of smallpox, Medical Firsts brings to life 2,500 years of medical advances and discoveries. It's a fascinating and wonderfully readable resource for anyone interested in medicine's past progress and future promise.  Available from your favorite bookstore or online vendor.
Science Firsts: From the Creation of Science to the Science of Creation, by Robert E. Adler
Science Firsts offers readers the experience of being on hand to witness some of the epic breakthrough in the history of science. From Thales and Pythagoras to Enrico Fermi, Francis Watson and James Crick, Science Firsts lets readers peer over the shoulders of great scientists as they discover new worlds.  Available from your favorite bookstore or online vendor.
Business Writing, Period, by K. T. Maclay
A working writer's guide to getting ideas on paper.  Includes tools to take the fear out of writing and exercises that put those tools to work immediately. Written for people who struggle with procrastination, wordiness, time pressure or getting results. Recommended for anyone who needs to communicate effectively with anyone else.  Available from your favorite bookstore or online vendor.
The Isle of Is: A Guide to Awakening (Book & CD), by Caroline Cottom & Thom Cronkhite, 2006
Set on a mythical island, The Isle of Is charts a journey of discovery in which the reader is the main character. This book bridges the great spiritual traditions, tapping into ancient wisdom once reserved for a select few. As in the indigenous cultures of the world, all of Nature comes alive. Available at the OLL, online bookstores, through authors, and at Amate Books (Oax).
Love Changes Things: Even in the World of Politics, Caroline Cottom, PhD, 2012
This is the inspiring true story of one woman taking unconditional love into the political arena during the 1980s and 1990s with the implausible goal of ending the rapidly escalating U.S.-Soviet nuclear arms race. The results will astonish you. Read more  Available at the OLL, online bookstores, and at Amate Books (Oax).
A History of the U.S. in 20 Movies: an All-Movie History Course, by M.W. Jacobs, 2014
This teaches history by explaining interesting movies, all of which are available on Netflix or Amazon. It walks the reader through each movie using virtually every appropriate detail, providing historical context, explaining historical references, and pointing out pertinent cinematic devices. Over 250 history-based films are referenced in addition to the core 20. Available online and in the OLL library.
Hidden Dangers, Mexico on the Brink of Disaster, by Robert Joe Stout, Sunbury Press, 2014
Hidden Dangers investigates migration and its effects on Mexico and the United States, the drug trade’s influence on the economies and politics of both countries, popular uprisings and Mexico’s deeply rooted politics of corruption and environmental disasters. Available at the Oaxaca Lending Library, and online vendors.
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